Tinnitus Retraining Therapy in Calgary, AB

Overcome Tinnitus Through Personalized Treatment and Support

No two tinnitus sufferers are alike. Because this condition affects each person in unique ways, Tinnitus and Hearing Health Calgary does not believe in treatments that only address one component of tinnitus (some focus only on the auditory component, while others only on the psychological aspect). Rather, we use a uniquely integrative tinnitus therapy approach, as advocated by leading tinnitus experts, that addresses multiple components of what makes tinnitus so complex.

What You Need To Know About Tinnitus

If you’re reading this, chances are you are suffering from some sort of ringing/buzzing/hissing noises in your ears/head. Perhaps you’ve already talked to your family doctor or an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist and were told that “nothing can be done”.
Not so! Just because there’s no cure, doesn’t mean that there is no help! You may not be able to get rid of your tinnitus, but we specialize in giving you relief from your symptoms as well as reducing the negative effects of your tinnitus to the point where you will barely notice it.

Tinnitus is a very complex and poorly understood phenomenon; not surprisingly, there is so much misinformation out there that even some healthcare professionals know next to nothing about it. We’re here to change that!

Talk to the experts.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus (TIN-a-tus or tin-EYE-tus) refers to the phantom perception of sound without an external sound source. Although tinnitus is commonly known as “ringing in the ears”, ringing is actually only one of many phantom sounds that people experience. Other perceived tinnitus noises include hissing, static, buzzing, whooshing, roaring, ocean waves, buzzing and clicking.

Like chronic pain, tinnitus is subjective; the severity is largely a function of how you react to your own symptoms. While the intensity can vary, tinnitus can have a serious impact on your life, leading to sleep deprivation, depression and anxiety.

Tinnitus can be very distressing and disruptive and tinnitus management can bring relief.

Where is the tinnitus coming from and will it go away?

Tinnitus it is not a disease, but a symptom of underlying issues. While there is no single cause, factors such as smoking, hypertension, diabetes, being overweight, high cholesterol, having a history of noise exposure, a major depressive disorder, a generalized anxiety disorder, and/or existing hearing loss can increase the likelihood of experiencing frequent tinnitus. Although tinnitus can be present in individuals with normal hearing, it is often attributed to hearing loss.

There are many changes in brain activity that occur throughout the auditory pathway in association with tinnitus. Although it’s unlikely we can make it go away, it is possible to retrain the brain to lessen the prominence of your tinnitus and the amount of attention you pay to it.
The best tinnitus management approaches work by relieving the functional effects of tinnitus, such as sleep disturbance, difficulty concentrating, problems with hearing, and difficulty relaxing. It’s important to keep in mind that although tinnitus cannot be cured, you can learn to manage your reactions to it and improve your quality of life.

Who can I talk to about my tinnitus?

To rule out any medically treatable conditions that could be contributing to your tinnitus, it’s always a good idea to see your family doctor or ask for a referral to an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Specialist. Remember though, their focus is on evaluating whether there is anything they can do for you from a medical or surgical standpoint. For the vast majority of cases, tinnitus cannot be medically corrected. However, please do not be discouraged when they tell you “there’s no cure for tinnitus”. No medical solutions does not mean there is no help available!

Don't wait! Take control of your tinnitus now!

Talk to the Experts